The Salvation Army Concord - Charitable Organization

Below is the information for The Salvation Army Concord, a Charitable Organization in Concord CA :
Details: The Salvation Army – it’s a name familiar to just about everyone. But, there is so much more to The Salvation Army than meets the eye! In every community where you find The Salvation Army, you will discover a ministry that is unique. And yet, the same mission drives us all: to actively reach out to others in the name of Jesus Christ, and to introduce each one to a loving relationship with God. For more than a hundred and twenty six years, first in Oakland and then in Concord, The Salvation Army has been a vital part of the East Bay’s evangelical and social community. Although it’s well known for its social ministries, The Salvation Army is less well known as a thriving and relevant mainstream christian church. You can find us at 3950 Clayton Road in Concord, and everyone is made welcome at our vibrant weekly worship services and our programs for youth and music outreach.
Address: 3950 Clayton Road
Concord, CA 94521
Contact Phone: 925-676-6180
Services Available: Energy Assistance (Past Due PG&E Bills)

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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