The Salvation Army Cumberland - Charitable Organization

Below is the information for The Salvation Army Cumberland, a Charitable Organization in Cumberland MD :
Details: The Salvation Army in Cumberland, Maryland is a body of believers engaged in the mission of Jesus Christ in the community, reaching out with a spirit of hospitality and compassion and giving encouragement and support to one another. Meeting people at their point of need and communicating the love of God through the practical expression of compassion is the mission of The Salvation Army. At The Salvation Army, there is an open door for anyone to enter. Mothers with children and no food in the house, children looking for a safe place to play after school or during the summer, senior citizens seeking aid with immediate needs, families with emergencies, people seeking the Savior; they have all been here this past year. The Salvation Army in Cumberland serves the counties of the Upper Potomac regions of Maryland and West Virginia. We wish to express our thanks to the many caring people of the community that make this service possible.
Address: 701 E. First Street
Cumberland, MD 21502
Contact Phone: 301-777-7600
Services Available: Rent or Mortgage Assistance; Utility Bills Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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