The Salvation Army - Green Bay Corps - Charitable Organization

Below is the information for The Salvation Army - Green Bay Corps, a Charitable Organization in Green Bay WI :
Details: The Salvation Army is a spiritual community that fosters an environment that improves self-sufficiency, promotes self-discovery and provides hope. We promote the well-being of all who come to us, including those who are unable to meet their basic needs or be self-sufficient. We coordinate a comprehensive array of services to meet human needs as our resources allow. It is our commitment to direct those in need to the most appropriate program or service available, whether offered by The Salvation Army or another agency or provider.
Address: 626 Union Ct.
Green Bay, WI 54303
Contact Phone: 920-497-7053
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Utility Assistance; Hotel Vouchers

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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