New Hampshire Rental Assistance Bristol Assistance Programs Town Of Bristol Human Services/welfare Office

Town of Bristol Human Services/Welfare Office - Town Department

Below is the information for Town of Bristol Human Services/Welfare Office, a Town Department in Bristol NH :
Details: The mission of the Bristol Human Services/Welfare Office shall be: to administer local welfare services in accordance to NH R.S.A. 165 and to facilitate the process of residents’ self-sufficiency. The office shall assist all individuals, (whether they can be directly assisted through Town of Bristol General Assistance funds or not) to network to other existing programs, re-employment efforts, and referrals to other agencies in an effort to facilitate an individuals’ return to personal independence. Eligibility for assistance is determined by having each individual complete an extensive application in order to provide an overview of the specific situation the client is in. Assistance is provided for individuals basic necessities in accordance with State law and Town Guidelines. The applicants that are found eligible are assisted on expenses such as food, heat, electricity, rent, prescription drugs and other basic living and working needs.
Address: 230 Lake Street
Bristol, NH 03222
Contact Phone: 603-744-2522
Fax: 603-744-2521
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Food Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Medication Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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