Town of Durham Welfare Assistance - Town Department

Below is the information for Town of Durham Welfare Assistance, a Town Department in Durham NH :
Details: The Town of Durham provides emergency assistance to individuals and families who lack adequate resources. The Welfare Office acts to facilitate services by directing those in need of assistance to relief agencies at the county, state and federal levels, as well as to non-profit organizations who provide assistance to the needy. We strive to promote self–reliance and independence to all we serve so they may be productive members of this community. The Town of Durham’s Welfare Office is located in the Business Office in Town Hall. The Business Manager is designated as the Welfare Officer by action of the Town Council and is responsible for carrying out the General Assistance Program for the Town.
Address: 8 Newmarket Road
Durham, NH 03824
Contact Phone: 603-868-8043
Services Available: Rent Assistance; Mortgage Assistance; Food Assistance; Utilities Assistance; Medication Assistance

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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