Town of Paris - General Assistance - Locally Administered Financial Assistance Program

Below is the information for Town of Paris - General Assistance, a Locally Administered Financial Assistance Program in South Paris ME :
Details: A service administered by a municipal­ity for the immediate aid of persons who are unable to provide the basic necessities essential to maintain themselves or their families. A general assistance program provides a specific amount and type of aid for defined needs during a limited period of time and is not intended to be a continuing grant-in-aid’ or categorical” welfare program. This definition shall not in any way lessen the responsibility of each municipality to provide general assis­tance to a person each time that the person has need and is found to be otherwise eligible to receive general assistance. (22 M.R.S.A. § 4301.5).
Address: 33 Market Square
South Paris, ME 04281
Contact Phone: 207-743-2501
Services Available: Assistance for basic needs such as Rent, Mortgage, Electricity, LP Gas, Heating Fuel, Food, Household/Personal Supplies

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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