U.S.VETS - Inland Empire - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for U.S.VETS - Inland Empire, a Non-Profit Organization in March Air Reserve Base CA :
Details: U.S.VETS is the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans. Our Mission is to facilitate the successful transition of veterans and their families to civilian life through comprehensive support for housing, counseling and career development. U.S.VETS – Inland Empire is located at the March Air Reserve Base in Moreno County provides housing and support services to 130 veterans each day.
Address: 15105 6th Street
March Air Reserve Base, CA 92518
Contact Phone: 951-656-6892
Website: http://www.usvetsinc.org/
Services Available: Supportive Services to Veteran Families - Our program offers temporary assistance to at-risk, low-income families in an effort to keep them from becoming homeless. This grant program is designed to house these at-risk families as quickly as possible by providing legal counseling and financial aid for rent, utilities, moving costs, childcare and bus transportation, employment assistance and benefits counseling. Participants in the program can also receive assistance in obtaining Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits covering such things as health care and disability payments.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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