Valley AIDS Network - HIV/AIDS Organization

Below is the information for Valley AIDS Network, a HIV/AIDS Organization in Harrisonburg VA :
Details: The Valley AIDS Network was founded in June 1989. The organization is funded primarily through two major federal grants, Ryan White Title B and HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS), a HUD administered grant. On September 24th, 2005 VAN and IIHHS entered into a partnership allowing greater access and collaboration opportunities to a wealth of community health, human services, education and other agencies and organizations in the area. This increased visibility and recognition in the community enables VAN to enlist additional services and assistance for our clients and their families.
Address: 601 University Blvd., 3rd Floor, Suites 322/323/32
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Contact Phone: 540-568-8838
Fax: 540-568-8835
Services Available: Financial assistance with rent, mortgage and utility bills

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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