Waukesha County HA - Housing Authority

Below is the information for Waukesha County HA, a Housing Authority in Waukesha WI :
Address: 120 Corrina Boulevard
Waukesha, WI 53186
Contact Phone: (262)542-2262
Fax: (262)542-0138

Programs Available:
  • Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher Program) - find your own place and use the voucher to pay for all or part of the rent.
To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Latest Reviews, Comments, Questions for Waukesha County HA

Comment from Waukesha County HA: Is there any way you can help me. I have tried many Government places and no one will help me. On March 14, 2018 I died will in The presence of Emt's who revived me after 30 seconds. Yes I was Dead and receive no help from anyone. I have been under mental stress since panic/anxiety attacks and PTSD. I see a pschotherapist and a Pshyciatrist. I have used up all my savings and will be Homeless soon enough. I am curious why all my life I pay into the government through my pay check. I am gonna be 59 in Feb and have not found a Government program to help me yet. I have been waiting on Disability since June of this year, I have been denied S.S.I . and my S.S.D.As of late Oct 2018 i have been waiting on Workman's Compensation. All i hear is we are looking at your Medical Records for the last 2 month's. I is in appeal. All I ask for is someone who can help me out with rent assitance till this goes through or I am on my feet, or some kind of help. I can't get any help and do not understand why. But as this goes on, I don't feel any better with all this negativity and run-a-round from Government Programs. This will be the worse holiday of my 59 years on this Earth, because no government support. Where will you send me to since you will not help me, which I already see coming. I am basically wasting my time, I know I am. I am the poorest of poor and still no help. Just shove me off on someone else to just repeat. Thank You and enjoy this season I can't heal myself thru all this because of all the government negativity. Mr. Alfred John Moore III E-Mail John53Nancy60@gmail.com

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Types of Rental Assistance Programs Explained
How to Apply for Rental Assistance: A Step-by-Step Guide