Westside CARES - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Westside CARES, a Non-Profit Organization in Colorado Springs CO :
Details: Formed in 1984, Westside CARES is an ecumenical and interfaith, nonprofit collaboration of 22 religious fellowships of the west side of El Paso County, united in care and compassion for those in need by providing crisis human services. The only criteria for accessing services is an individual’s or family’s genuine need and their established residence within the agency’s service area. Westside CARES collaborates with agencies throughout the metropolitan area to ensure its clients receive adequate crisis intervention services. The goal is an interdependent network of services between providers.
Address: 2808 West Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Contact Phone: 719-389-0759
Fax: 719-475-8949
Website: http://westsidecares.org/
Services Available: Rental Assistance Program; Utility Assistance Program

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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