Wilton Rancheria Housing Department - Tribal Department

Below is the information for Wilton Rancheria Housing Department, a Tribal Department in Elk Grove CA :
Details: The Housing Department operates under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) The Housing Department offers a number of housing related programs that are funded by two major groups, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) Housing Improvement Program (HIP). HUD’s funding comes from the grant, Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG). Under this grant we fund at least 7 different programs to assist low to moderate income Tribal Members. These programs are available first to all eligible Tribal Members and then if funds still exist, to all Native Americans, Alaskan Native Tribes, and Hawaiian Native Americans.
Address: 9728 Kent Street
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Contact Phone: 916-683-6000
Fax: 916-683-6015
Website: http://wiltonrancheria-nsn.gov/
Services Available: Down Payment Assistance - this program provides down payment assistance for a new home; Elder Rental Assistance - this program provides assistance by bringing down the rental percentage to or below 30% for our Elders; Emergency Housing Assistance - this program provides a one time assistance to help with a past due rental or mortgage payment; Home Rehabilitation/Improvement - this program provides assistance with home repairs, it also can be used to bring a home up to a decent and safe standard by making the home ADA compliant; Rental Deposit Assistance - this program provides helps Tribal Members with their Rental Deposit; Home Acquisition Program - this program provides assistance by covering some of the unusual or unexpected expenses of setting up or building a home, i.e., permits, etc.; Student Rental Assistance - this program provides assistance to our members who leave home to attend college.

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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