York Township General Assistance - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for York Township General Assistance, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Lombard IL :
Details: Township government was formed for the purpose of assisting low income, homeless, and unemployed residents. Today's General Assistance program is funded through real estate taxes. Assistance with food, rent, utilities, and medications is available to qualified residents. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) applications are taken from September to May, or depending on available funding. The General Assistance office operates a food pantry based solely on private contributions. It also administers Salvation Army funds for Lombard and Elmhurst residents.
Address: 1502 South Meyers Road
Lombard, IL 60148
Contact Phone: 630-620-2400
Fax: 630-620-2422
Website: http://www.yorktwsp.com/
Services Available: Assistance with Food, Rent, Utilities and Medications

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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