Yurok Indian Housing Authority - Housing Authority

Below is the information for Yurok Indian Housing Authority, a Housing Authority in Klamath CA :
Details: The Primary Mission of the Yurok Indian Housing Authority shall be to provide affordable, safe and decent housing to lower-income tribal members. Affordable housing services shall include, but not be limited to, rental and home ownership programs serving to increase housing opportunities within our communities. The Yurok Indian Housing Authority shall strive to provide employment, job-training and economic development opportunities to residents and community members in order to support the ongoing progress of the Primary mission. The Yurok Indian Housing Authority shall also strive to provide supportive services and resources to residents and community members to better enable their individual and group ventures toward self-sufficiency, health, stability and improved lifestyles.
Address: 15540 US Hwy 101 North
Klamath, CA 95548
Contact Phone: 707-482-1506
Fax: 707-482-3117
Website: http://www.yurokhousing.com/
Services Available:

Low-Income Rental Program
*Assists families with rental housing owned by YIHA. Required monthly rental payments are based on a maximum of 25% of the household's adjusted gross annual income. Applicants are screened by criminal background investigation and subject to YIHA Policies and Procedures. Pets are not permitted in any YIHA unit.

Student Rental Housing Assistance
*Assists full-time students with the opportunity of attending school while residing in a safe and affordable housing. Rent cannot exceed 25% of income and G.P.A. must be 2.0 or higher. YIHA cannot assist if you are currently on HUD Section 8 or in subsidized housing. Student housing is available at the Union Green Complex in Eureka.

Programs Available:
To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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Latest Reviews, Comments, Questions for Yurok Indian Housing Authority

Comment from Yurok Indian Housing Authority: I am just letting you know that the information listed on your site regarding the programs that our organization offers, the amounts of the programs, and/or who is eligible for each program is outdated. The Yurok Indian Housing Authority has a new website and all of the current information is easily accessible there. www.yurokhousing.com.

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