Illinois Rental Assistance Zion Assistance Programs Zion Township General Assistance Program

Zion Township General Assistance Program - Locally Administered Welfare Program

Below is the information for Zion Township General Assistance Program, a Locally Administered Welfare Program in Zion IL :
Details: The primary purpose of Township government is to administer the General Assistance (GA) program. GA is a program that provides vouchers to assist adults with limited resources to achieve self-sufficiency. The Supervisor is charged with overseeing the General Assistance fund where she has sole discretionary control. That being said, the Illinois State Statutes governing GA are extremely rigid with regard to the disbursement of this money. Eligible clients receive a $250.00 monthly “In- Kind” benefit that is applied toward basic living expenses.
Address: 1015 27th Street
Zion, IL 60099
Contact Phone: 847-872-2811
Fax: 847-872-7861
Services Available: Assistance with Rent, Utilities, Food

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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