Good Neighbor Community Center - Non-Profit Organization

Below is the information for Good Neighbor Community Center, a Non-Profit Organization in Lincoln NE :
Details: In 1973, the Seventh-Day Adventist Churches of Lincoln saw a need for basic and emergency services in our community. They founded the Good Neighbor Community Center. Over the years, we have provided emergency food, clothing and household items in a kind, understanding environment. Each client is personally welcomed through an individual interview and encouraged to participate in our programs. Our passion is not only assisting individuals with basic and emergency needs but also giving them opportunities to build bright futures for their families and the entire community. In 2003, Good Neighbor Community Center was duly incorporated under the laws of NE state and we are now collaborating with like-minded organizations, schools, businesses, churches, and individuals in Helping People Help Themselves.
Address: 2617 Y Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Contact Phone: 402-477-4173
Fax: 402-477-4174
Services Available: Rent/Utility Assistance; Food Pantry; MENA HOPE Project; SNAP Outreach; Taxes; Star Tran Low Income Bus Pass Sales Site

To Apply: Contact the housing assistance agency at the phone number above, or via the website if available.


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